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Core Member
Areas of activity: Business and Human Rights; Human Rights and Environmental Due
Diligence; EU mHREDD legislative proposal and other related initiatives; Non-financial
Reporting; Indigenous Peoples’ Rights; Human Rights Defenders (HRDs); Land-Grabbing;
International investment arbitration and human rights.


Bianca works as a Sustainability Consultant at a consultancy company and deals specifically with sustainability strategies and reporting, corporate sustainability due diligence and supply chain monitoring in the ESG field.  


Previously, she worked in the third sector as Policy and Advocacy Officer at the Italian NGO WeWorld dealing specifically with Business & Human Rights and Human Rights Due Diligence. He also worked at the European Parliament in the Foreign Affairs and Human Rights Committees as an assistant to a Greens/EFA policy advisor. While in Brussels, she also worked as Policy and Advocacy Assistant at the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ), a Brussels-based coalition committed to promoting European standards that hold companies accountable for their environmental and social impacts and ensure access to justice for victims.


She obtained a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Roma Tre and then a Master's degree in European Legal Studies at the University of Turin, where she graduated with a thesis in English on the relationship between the human right to water and international investment arbitration.


During her studies, she had two different experiences abroad, the first in Germany and the second in the UK at the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (CTLS) in London. In addition, she also worked on immigration law and the protection of trafficking victims thanks to an internship at the socio-legal desk of Centro Astalli (Rome) and specific training on the subject obtained through the Legal Clinics programme in Turin.


A native Italian speaker, Bianca is fluent in English. She has a proficient level of French and a basic German.


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