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HRIC has been founded out of the idea of a group of professionals, researchers and experts in Human Rights, engaged in supporting and promoting the respect of fundamental rights and principles, not only by States but also by the private sector.


Since the beginning, HRIC has been devoted to raising the awareness of public and private entities and civil society regarding the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, even by the means of publishing reports, organizing workshops and conferences, as well as by lobbying activities.


Given the proactive dialogue established with the Italian governmental institutions - and specifically with the Inter-ministerial Committee for Human Rights (in Italian CIDU) - HRIC has taken part to the consultation process that led to the drafting of the Italian "National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights 2016-2021", as well as to the mid-term review process.


Thanks to our multi-disciplinary approach, HRIC is able to cover all human rights related areas:  from the access to justice to non-discrimination, from the right to a healthy environment to corporate social responsibility, from the right to a decent work to immigration law.


More specifically, HRIC engages in strategic litigation and represent individuals who have suffered Human Rights violations before national and international courts and bodies, State-based and non-State-based, judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, such as the OECD National Contact Points.


Finally - with the aim to improving its interaction and dialogue with the involved stakeholders - in May 2018 HRIC has become an Association under Italian law.

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